The Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts welcomes you. We are 180 congregations in eastern Massachusetts, Cape Cod and the islands. We seek to be Christ’s presence in the world as we answer God’s urgent call together.
In the Episcopal Church there is room for your questions about God, faith and the church. If you are looking for a Christian community that will nurture your spirit and celebrate your gifts, there’s a place foryou here.
Our Mission
Our yearnings to be disciples of Jesus, seekers of justice and protectors of creation provide the foundation for us to do our shared work together. We will only reach these goals by becoming more completely the people Jesus calls us to be through the power of the Spirit.
First, last and always, we pray. We ask for God’s abiding presence with us and we allow the love of Jesus to transform us. From this place of unconditional grace, mercy, and love, we can trust in God’s abundance, knowing we will have everything we need. We receive the courage to be agents of reconciliation and justice.
Devotion to the way of love demands vigilance, as the evil powers working to destroy the creatures of God remain unyielding in their attempts to distract us from our relationship to the Almighty. We must address the history and persistent reality of injustice in our church with honesty and humility. We must pray, learn, act and advocate for the world we want to create.
We must be bold. We must be hopeful. We are committed to the tasks being given us by the Spirit. We trust that God is with us in the joys and challenges of this moment. We dedicate ourselves once again as the Body of Christ in this place and time to work for the glorious reign of Jesus.
Our Beliefs
St. Mark’s is a part of The Episcopal Church. The Episcopal Church is a spiritual home free of judgement and inclusive for all. We value evangelism, racial reconciliation, the environment, and inclusivity.
Episcopalians believe in the Apostle’ Creed and The Nicene Creed. We join Christians throughout the ages in affirming our faith in one God who created us, redeemed us, and sanctifies us. We use The Book of Common Prayer as the primary symbol of our unity. We come together in Christ through our common prayer.