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Rental Spaces

Space Use Fees for St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Burlington, MA
Approved by Finance Committee (June 6, 2023) and Vestry (June 14, 2023)

Security Deposit 

$100 total for one-time use (all spaces)

Parish Hall and Kitchen*
Choir Room
         $150 for 1st 2 hours, then $50 per additional hour

Space use must include the time it requires you to set up and clean up the room you are renting.
Piano and/or organ use only with permission of the Music Director
Note: These rates may be discounted by up to 50% for non-profit or community groups with limited funds. Discounts are at the discretion of the clergy.
*See St. Mark’s Space Use Agreement Conditions and Guidelines regarding use of facilities, including food and catering requirements.

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Parish Hall



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Choir Room

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