At this time we are gathering virtually and in person. Every Sunday we stream our service via a Facebook Live session on our Facebook Page. We are following the recommendations of the Diocese.
If you would like to participate in worship in any capacity, please send a message to the office email and Shari will make sure the appropriate parties a notified.
Sundays - Holy Eucharist, Rite 2, @ 9:30 am
Our Sunday Morning Services are the heart of who we are as a community. We would describe our worship as both formal and informal. Our worship is formal because our worship is rooted in the Anglican Tradition, according to the Book of Common Prayer, centered around the celebration of Holy Communion, with bible reading, hymns, and a sermon.
Our worship is informal in that we are an open loving family at St. Mark's. We welcome anyone who comes through our doors. We also welcome young children to join us for worship knowing full well that sitting still and being quiet isn't in their nature. That is why we keep toys, puzzles, and games in the back.
Finally, each service is followed by coffee hour. A time for us to get together, socialize, eat, catch up, and get to know each other better. Please come and join us any Sunday at 9:30 am for our worship service and coffee hour.